The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!

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!selamaT - Opening Bell: Cheese, Napa Cabbage, Coffee, Pork!

Good afternoon!

Pork, chicken or jalapeño & cheese.
Five for $7.
At market this Friday, November 15th.
Text me your order.

This Friday pick up will be in the lobby at St. Peter’s Episcopal church, not in the parish hall where we normally meet. Enter through the courtyard and the lobby will be on the left.

Garlic plants are now available. This garlic won a blue ribbon and best of show at the Faulkner county fair this year and two years ago. Only $1 per sprouted plant in a 2-inch pot. Transplant them into a sunny spot in your garden now. Will be ready to dig in early June. Figure 6 to 8 garlic plants per person in your family.

Attention pet owners! There is a new product from Bradford Valley Farm. It is a 2 pound frozen block of ground chicken frames, and parts for your pet. Kinsey brought me a trial package on Friday, and here’s my glowing review: after thawing overnight, I simmered 1/3 of the package in 2 cups of water for about 10 minutes. This product looks just like ground beef but I could feel the very small pieces of bones throughout. I fed half of this to my two dogs over some dry food for dinner Saturday evening, and the other half for breakfast Sunday morning. Jackie and George absolutely loved it! The extra calcium is great for dogs. This 2 pound block of ground chicken frames will yield 12 wonderful dining experiences for one dog for only $7. This would not be a meal replacement, but for very special treats.

We’ve been having a lot of excellent items on the extra table lately. Earlier shoppers get the best selection. We are normally ready for customers to start arriving around 3 PM if you happen to be out and in the area. Just text me to see if we’re ready.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have over 400 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!