The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!
Opening Bell: New farmhand!
Good afternoon,
At 12:21am on Saturday July 11th, Steve and Carissa welcomed their new farmhand (grandson) into the world. Foster Ray Beagley was born in Augusta, Georgia. He is 17.5 inches and 5 pounds and should be discharged Monday morning. Pictures available upon request. :-)
Well, we knew it was coming, and now the heat of summer is here! Be sure to stay hydrated when you’re outside, and plan outdoor activities for early morning or evening when it’s not too hot. Make some frozen smoothies using cantaloupe, peaches, watermelon, or other frozen fruit. Or how about some iced tea with mint leaves? Whatever you decide, try to add some local produce to your cooling beverages.
Note from Hardin Farms: We apologize profusely for the mixup at Conway on Friday. Several days of working 18-20 hours finally caught up to us and we loaded up the wrong invoice for CLG. After all the rain, and now heat, our crops are maturing earlier than planned, which will shorten the season for corn. We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience.
Note from Barnhill Orchards: We are offering ingredients for a peach salsa, a garden veggie salsa, and a tomato salsa. We will also be offering fresh cut Zennia bouquets of various colors.
Come early on Friday for the best selection from the EXTRAS table.
The market is now OPEN for orders. Please check your email about 5 minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!
Have a great week!
ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION. When you are done shopping, just hit the “proceed to checkout” button in your cart. You will then see the option to “Pay Now” with credit card near the bottom. Just follow the prompts to add your card. Be sure to read the screen until you see “Thank you for your order” on the top. If you need help, please call 339-7958. A 3% online payment convenience fee will be added when your card is charged.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
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