The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!
Opening Bell: Black Walnuts, Peppers, Eggs, Cheese!
Good afternoon!
Finally we are having some fall weather. At Cedar Rock Ridge, that means it’s Garlic planting time! I planted 148 cloves on Saturday, with 270 more soaking in water for planting Monday. As many of you heard, our Garlic won First Place and Best of Show at the Faulkner County Fair last month! I’ve decided to share this magnificent variety with CLG members, so I will soon be offering potted plants for sale for only $1. This is a vigorous plant that produces a long lasting head of Garlic, and the fat, flavorful cloves last a long time in the fridge or on the counter. This is your chance to GROW A CHAMPION! Makes a great holiday gift for all your gardening friends and family.
I spoke with Eddie at Kellogg Valley Farms on Friday. He’s excited about his Broccoli and Cauliflower he will be listing soon. And the Spinach from Calvert Enterprises was wonderful! We really appreciate our Growers and their families!
Allow me to pass on some important info you may need at some point in life. Last night at 830pm my dog, Jackie, scratched on the front door. As I got close to the door to let her in, I realized that she had been battling a skunk. (The front window was open). I solicited advice from Tracy at Bar C Farm in El Paso, who advised me to soak her down in a solution of peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. I did that for 20 minutes, after which time the skunk stench was actually about 98% eliminated. I rinsed her good and then worked in some Butt Naked Exfoliating & Moisturizing Sea Salt Scrub from Rockwood Crafts. She is now pleasant to be around again, and her coat is very soft. This is the same sea salt scrub I use on my hands after cleaning fish. Anyway, please pass on this information to anyone else whose pet gets sprayed by a skunk. And thanks a lot to Tracy at Bar C for her timely and sage advice! The eviscerated skunk was found under the hen house this morning… Why, Jackie, why?!?
Make plans to attend the 7th Annual Urban Farm Fest next weekend. The Urban Farm Festival is Saturday, October 28th 11am-2pm at the Faulkner County Urban Farm Project behind the public library on Tyler Street. Come enjoy a free family-friendly afternoon of garden fun with live music, games, Halloween crafts, garden tours and more! This is a side, dessert or beverage potluck. Pizza and salad will be provided.
October is National Pork Month! Bar C Farm has Pork Chops and Fresh Sides Bacon on sale this week! Stock up, and don’t forget all the other things that go along with pork: Beaverfork Blend Seasoning, Purple Hull Peas, Turnips, Bread, Potatoes…
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 625 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!
Have a great week!