The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!
Opening Bell: Goat Cheeses, Micro-Greens, Salad Mix, Broccoli!
Good afternoon (from Carissa)!
Hopefully everyone is having a good beginning to 2018. The New Year came in with a cold front and made farming so much more difficult on farmers, their crops and their livestock. As I look out the window at the gloomy, cold day, I long for Spring! There is a bright side though! Because of the milder winters we have had the past few years, insects have continued to be a problem for gardens. Hopefully with the really cold temps that we have had this past week, we will see a decrease in damaging insects in spring and summer! Natural pest control at its best! :) There are so many benefits to cold weather! Check back next week for another.
No lettuce from Rattle’s Garden this week. The cold weather stifled its growth last week and should recover next week.
Chickens are extremely fickle, but are far more intelligent than people give them credit for. And, they are such wonderful garden helpers!!! Egg laying in the winter is one area that chickens are very fickle. VERY cold weather will slow down laying because more of the chickens’ bodily resources have to go into keeping her warm rather than to producing eggs. Another reason for slow laying, even if the winter weather is warm, is daylight. If there is not enough light, some breeds may slow down laying in the wintertime. One thing’s for sure, they are doing their best!!! :)
Rutabagas coming soon!
We have the best Growers in Central Arkansas! Please learn more about them on Our Growers page.
The farmers and market managers appreciate your efforts to help spread the word about Conway Locally Grown. We would love to offer your friends a great local resource for fresh, local farm products too! Please pick up a few flyers at the next market to hand out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Good afternoon (from Steve)!
Mark your calendars: We will not have a market on Friday, January 26th.
I will have some exciting news about a new Grower soon. Stay tuned!
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 650 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!
Have a great week!