The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!

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Opening Bell: Coffee, Cheese, Pork, Eggs!

Good afternoon,

Has spring sprung? It sure does feel mild for this time of year. After a mild winter, many perennial plants have already been growing for a few weeks. Take a look at the plants we have available for your garden: lemon balm, garlic, golden rod, Rose Campion, hellebores, Scarlet bee balm, and even Brad’s atomic grape tomato plants!

If you missed getting some of Maria’s barbecue pulled pork at market Friday, all is not lost. She now has her barbecue pork available in the frozen section. Very easy to thaw out for a quick meal. BYOB. Bring your own bun.

Mark your calendar: the 3rd annual plant sale at Bell Urban Farm on Tyler street. It will be held on Saturday, April 18, from 9 AM until 3 PM. Hundreds of varieties of flowers, herbs, and vegetable plants will be available.

Look in the Dairy category for newly listed cheeses! Marinated, feta, pimento…

If the weather holds mild this week, we may have some strawberries on the extra table this Friday. Come early! They won’t last long.

Flying C Ranch offers a great deal on their ground beef in bulk. Five 1-pound pkgs for only $24. Search the word “bulk” for more good deals.

We are normally ready for customers to start arriving around 3 PM if you happen to be out and in the area. Just text me to see if we’re ready.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have almost 400 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

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