The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!

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CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.

Good morning!

If you ordered plants, please bring a box to put all of your plants in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

Usually our awesome volunteers have the market ready for customers to pick up before 4pm. If you are out and about and want to know if we are ready, just text me to see: 501-339-1039.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.

Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.

Hello friends!

Here’s something you don’t see every day: 25 pounds of eggs for $25! Perfect for bakers, or get some to share with your friends. Buy in together with neighbors for big savings. There’s about 250 medium eggs in a 25 pound box. These are pasture raised and farm fresh!

There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, April 27th.

The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Opening Bell: Green Onions, Salad Mix, Kale, Cheese!

Good afternoon!
Many gardens are off to a slow start this season because of the two late frosts we had. Looks like all of that is behind us now so it’s safe to plant your tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc. At Cedar rock Ridge, our vegetable garden is 90% planted. We hope to get the last peppers and tomatoes in the ground tomorrow. The garlic has begun to form bulbs, and we are on track for a nice harvest in early June.

Consider adding coneflowers to your garden this year. I currently have over 100 plants in five colors growing: cream, yellow, orange, red, and purple. Save a spot in your garden for some of these hardy, perennial flowers. And birds love the seeds! As you plan your garden, please remember to bring back your plant containers and pots to the market. We will reuse them.

Thanks to Mable at Everette Brown Farm for bringing Spinach for the extras table on Friday. :-)

I heard the word “zucchini” from two Growers this week. If the weather warms up a little, it won’t be long…

Fresh-roasted and ground Coffee available now!

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 630 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!

CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.

Good morning!

If you ordered plants, please bring a box to put all of your plants in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

Usually our awesome volunteers have the market ready for customers to pick up before 4pm. If you are out and about and want to know if we are ready, just text me to see: 501-339-1039.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.

Coffee! Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.

Hello friends!

There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, April 20th.

The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Opening Bell: Eggs, Coffee, Kale, Cheese!

Good afternoon!
Freeze forecast for tonight!!! Protect your plants now! Reports coming in from Growers indicate that many plants were killed or damaged by the frost last week. Annual crops like Tomatoes and Peppers can be replanted with new plants, but fruits like Peaches and Apples will not recover and the year’s harvest will be severely affected unfortunately. Regardless of the situation, our Growers will continue to work diligently to provide us with the best local food possible. #dedication!

Fresh-roasted and ground Coffee available now!

Have you heard of Project 3:27? One of our CLG members is active in this local non-profit that helps people with much needed basic transportation. They accept donated vehicles, as well as cash to buy tires and get needed repairs for those that can’t afford them. Check out their website ( or call 501-472-5171. Please consider helping them help others in Faulkner County.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 670 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!

CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.

Good morning!

If you ordered plants, please bring a box to put all of your plants in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

Usually our awesome volunteers have the market ready for customers to pick up before 4pm. If you are out and about and want to know if we are ready, just text me to see: 501-339-1039.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.

Coffee! Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.

Hello friends,

All varieties of COFFEE have been added. Make another order, or text me and I will add your selection to your order. 501-339-1039.

Bring a box to put all of your plants in. :-)

There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, April 13th.

The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

Opening Bell: Coffee, Honey, Chard, Kale!

Good afternoon!
Ice in the birdbath! As feared, we had a hard freeze last night where the temps were below freezing for about 4 hours. I’ve talked to several of our Growers this afternoon and so far, damage has been minimal. Now we are on the march to plant all of our remaining seedlings: Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, etc. One thing we don’t know yet is the damage to Apple and Peach trees. Fingers crossed!

Fresh-roasted and ground Coffee available now!

Here’s something fun to do: type in the word “SALE” in the search field, and then stock up the freezer on your favorite items. Ground pork, ribs, turkey wings! And Tara will be harvesting Carrots, Curly Kale, and Chard for you this week!

Lots of folks turned out Saturday morning for the 1st Annual Plant Sale at Bell Urban Farm. Kim and Zach put in a lot of work to make the event a success for plant vendors and customers alike. Despite the sleet, over a thousand plants found new homes in gardens as far away as Fairfield Bay and beyond. Congrats!

If you missed the plant sale, we still have plenty of plants listed this week. Search the word “PLANT” to see all the options.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 670 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!

Kale & Carrots! CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.

Good morning!

Today at the market we will have lots of Carrots and Kale on the extras table. If you ordered plants, please bring a box to put all of your plants in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

Usually our awesome volunteers have the market ready for customers to pick up before 4pm. If you are out and about and want to know if we are ready, just text me to see: 501-339-1039.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.