Welcome to CLG!
To place an order simply sign in between Sunday at 6pm and Tuesday at 9pm and start adding products to your cart. Pick up every Friday 3-6pm at St Peter’s Episcopal Church, 925 Mitchell Street, Conway, AR.

How It Works
Conway Locally Grown Core Values And Beliefs
Farmer Commitments And Procedures

For assistance, please email Sandra at conwaylocallygrown@gmail.com or
call/text 206-890-7460.

The Market is currently CLOSED. The market will OPEN at 6pm Sunday.

What's New

Vegetable Plants

Search entire market by all or part of product name:
Broccoli PLANT
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $3.00 ( 2.5" pot )
Available (Exact): 2

Cabbage PLANT
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $3.00 ( 2.5" pot )
Available (Estimated): 10

Annual leafy green
Cilantro PLANT
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $3.00 ( 2.5" pot )
Available (Exact): 1

Cilantro is a fast-growing, aromatic, annual herb that grows best in the cooler weather of spring and fall. This popular ... more
FOUR plant discount
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $10.00 ( Four 2.5" pots )
Available (Exact): 3

4 Hickory House plants of whatever combination. Write which ones under comments at check out
Jiromaru Spinach PLANT
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $3.00 ( 2.5" pot )
Available (Exact): 2

A productive and delicious spinach variety with distinctive arrow-shaped leaves. This spinach is ideal for small spaces and container gardening. ... more
Round leaf Spinach PLANT
Grower: Hickory House
Price: $3.00 ( 2.5" pot )
Available (Exact): 1